
BIDIRECTION DEF — Prints the bidirectional printing adjustment pattern for all print modes except
BIDIRECTION FINE — Prints the fine bidirectional printing adjustment pattern for FINE and F-
FINE.print modes.
NOZZLE POS ADJ. — Prints the printhead nozzle adjustment pattern.
LS ADJ PRINT — Prints the line sensor adjustment pattern. This test pattern is used by HP Support.
TUR ADJ PRINT — Prints a pattern that is used to align the take-up reel when it is installed.
Printhead position adjustment (#PH TO PH VAL)
Use this option to adjust the printhead to printhead position.
Enter an adjustment value according to the PH TO PH adjustment pattern.
YY: Ink color
Display order: K -> Lm -> Lc -> Y -> M -> C
Parameters: sign (+/-), value (-32 to +31)
Bidirectional print position adjustment (BIDIR DEF)
Use this option to adjust the printhead bidirectional printing position for all print modes except FINE and
Enter an adjustment value according to the BIDIRECTION DEF adjustment pattern.
YY: Ink color
XXXXXX: Media type
Display order: K -> Lm -> Lc -> Y -> M -> C
Parameters: sign (+/-), value (-32 to +31)
Bidirectional print position fine adjustment (BIDIR FINE)
Use this option to adjust the printhead bidirectional printing position for FINE and F-FINE print modes.
Enter an adjustment value according to the BIDIRECTION FINE adjustment pattern.
ENWW The ADJUST menu 189
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