3 Voice System Administration Voice Equipment
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 97
~ Telephone number (PHONE)
~ Group number (GROUP)
~ Options (OPTS)
~ Circuit card type (TYPE)
This window can be several pages long, depending on the display
parameters for the window, and the equipment installed in the system.
F2 (Prev Page) and F3 (Next Page) to move up and down through
the pages of this window.
F4 (First Page) to view the first page of the window. Press F5 (Last
Page) to view the last page of the window.
Note: Cards in the NONEX state (that is, those that have been
physically removed from the system, or have been "detached"
using the detach command) do not show up in the Display Voice
Equipment window.
Use the following procedure to modify the default display parameters for
the Display Voice Equipment window.