
A Summary of Commands logCat
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 499
-c Continuously display last lines of file
-m Meticulous time check. Normally the log file name and the
creation date are used to determine the date of the file. To be sure that
the creation dates are accurate, use the -m flag. This causes the time
stamp of the first message in each log file to be used instead of the name
and modification date. This is slower, but more reliable.
-r root Specify alternate "root" directory for textLogFmt file. The
default is \usr\spool\log.
-a locant Specifies the place to start printing.
-z locant Specifies the place to stop printing.
-s locant Search for specific patterns or times. There may be more
than one -s specification.
-q locant S ea rc h f or spe ci fic pat te rn in ra w un exp an ded lo g da ta.
This is much faster than -s for pattern searches, but only the variable
portion of the log messages can be included in the search pattern. There
may be more than one -q specification.
locant One of two things: either a date/time stamp OR a search
pattern. See Locants on page 502
for an extended description.
-w width If lines are to be wrapped, this is the width at which the
wrapping should take place. 0 means no wrapping and is the default. The
width can also be supplied via the environment variable LOGCOLUMN.