
A Summary of Commands logCat
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 506
The basic format of the message can be controlled in a number of ways. The
"-f" option or the LOGFORMAT environment variable specify the format using
the following special sequences to specify the various parts of a message.
The default format is: "%P %T %N %S:%L\n%M"
%P(...) Priority level format: %d or %s
%T(...) Time level format: all options supported by "date" cmd. There
is also an additional format, "%u", which is the Unix time printed as an 8-
digit hexidecimal number.
%N Name of process.
%S Sourcefile name.
%L Line number.
Message text
If (%r) is specified, the fields of the message are not expanded, but just
entered "raw." If a separator character is specified, it is placed between each
raw field. If it is not specified, then the FS character is placed between each
field and a GS character is placed after the last field, which is just the way the
fields would appear in the compressed logging files.
%C The entire compressed message.
%% % character.