A Summary of Commands mkimage
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 544
actually written to the tape. $DIFFOUT contains the difference between these
two files.
Analysis of these files may help in understanding the nature of the failure.
Also, be sure you are using the supported cartridge type and that your tape
drive is being cleaned regularly. Execute the -init 6- command to return to
multiuser mode.
The mkimage command then returns the voice system to multiuser mode by
rebooting. If no errors are found, you are prompted to make a note of the file
system partition sizes after the voice system returns to multiuser mode.
Note: You do not get a warning from the voice system before it reboots
to return to multiuser mode.
Note: The mkimage command can run anywhere from 45 minutes to
one or more hours creating the image tape. Several tapes could
be required depending on the amount of space used in the root
disk file systems.
Note: The complete system image tape should only be used to restore a
system root disk that has been severely damaged and needs file-
system reconstruction at the lowest level. Use the backup and
restore commands to recover from minor file damage or