138 Chapter 8
io3000 classes and subtests
Table 34 io3000 Class 5 subtests
Subtest Name Description
500 SCSI disk test
unit ready
A SCSI test unit ready command is
issued to all selected devices at least
twice. This first time, it should return
with a SCSI check condition (not
reported to the user) since the SCSI bus
has been reset. The command is retried
after approximately one second. If the
second test unit ready fails, an error is
reported. The test unit ready
command does not cause a SCSI data
phase to occur.
505 SCSI disk
A SCSI inquiry command is executed
on every selected device. This test
verifies that the device type field in the
inquiry return data is a direct access
(disk). A SCSI data in phase will occur.
510 SCSI disk read
A SCSI read capacity command is
issued to every selected device.
515 SCSI disk read A SCSI read command is issued to
every selected device. No data
verification is performed.
520 SCSI disk write A SCSI write command is issued to
every selected device. No data
verification is performed. This test only
writes to the disk if the write enable
option is turned on. The default is to
not allow writes to the device.