Chapter 12 275
Scan tools
• power <node id> supply[1..4] [low|nom|up]—Changes the
power margin on the supply indicated across all nodes in contact with
the test station.
• power <node id> supply[1..4] [low|nom|up—Changes the
power margin on the supply indicated across all nodes in contact with
the test station.
• pswitch <node id>—Identifies whether N or N+1 fans have been
enabled for the system. This switch is located on the SCUB board of a
• pce <node id|complex name|all> [-c <n|u|e>] [-r
<on|off>] [-p <l|n|u>]—Displays the current power, clock and
temperature state where:
• -c [n|u|e]—Sets the following clock tolerances on the current
• n[ominal]—Nominal frequency
• u[pper]—Upper frequency
• e[xternal]—External connector
• -r—Sets the power flag to on or off
• -p [l|n|u]—Displays the following power supply voltages
tolerances on the current nodes.
• l[ower]—Lower voltage tolerance
• n[ominal]—Nominal voltage
• u[pper]—Upper voltage tolerance
NOTE Clocks are stopped by putting all scannable parts in internal scan mode.
Other scan paths are not allowed when clocks are stopped. A system
reset must follow an internal scan node operation.
Data transfer commands
This section lists the sppdsh data transfer commands. The addresses in
the data transfer commands are 40 bits. Underbars are ignored in