188 Chapter 10
Scan test
Running the est GUI
Files button
Clicking the Files button opens pop-up menu with three selections:
• Execute Scripts—Runs a file containing est commands.
• Reset Log File—Clears the log file.
• Exit—Closes the est main window and exits the program.
Options button
Clicking the Options button opens pop-up menu with seven selections:
• Log_File—Generates a log file and stores it in /spp/data/est.log.
• Stop On Error—Causes the test(s) to halt whenever an error is
• Limit Test Patterns—Limits the number of test patterns so that the
test runs in approximately one-half the normal time. Test coverage
drops to approximately 90%.
• Limit Error Report—Limits the length of the error report to 10 errors.
• Normal Font Size—Prints status to the main window pane using the
standard font size.
• Large Font Size—Prints status to the main window pane using a
large font size.
• Show time—Prints current time and date.
Power button
Clicking the Power button opens pop-up menu with four selections:
• Upper—Sets the upper limit of the power supplies.
• Nominal—Sets the power supplies to their nominal values.
• Lower—Sets the lower limit of the power supplies.
• Status—Displays the current settings of the power supply voltages
(upper, normal, or lower). When this option is invoked, it displays
both the power supplies and clock settings.