
188 Chapter 10
Scan test
Running the est GUI
Files button
Clicking the Files button opens pop-up menu with three selections:
Execute Scripts—Runs a file containing est commands.
Reset Log File—Clears the log file.
Exit—Closes the est main window and exits the program.
Options button
Clicking the Options button opens pop-up menu with seven selections:
Log_File—Generates a log file and stores it in /spp/data/est.log.
Stop On Error—Causes the test(s) to halt whenever an error is
Limit Test Patterns—Limits the number of test patterns so that the
test runs in approximately one-half the normal time. Test coverage
drops to approximately 90%.
Limit Error Report—Limits the length of the error report to 10 errors.
Normal Font Size—Prints status to the main window pane using the
standard font size.
Large Font Size—Prints status to the main window pane using a
large font size.
Show time—Prints current time and date.
Power button
Clicking the Power button opens pop-up menu with four selections:
Upper—Sets the upper limit of the power supplies.
Nominal—Sets the power supplies to their nominal values.
Lower—Sets the lower limit of the power supplies.
Status—Displays the current settings of the power supply voltages
(upper, normal, or lower). When this option is invoked, it displays
both the power supplies and clock settings.