Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide Rev A
6 - 19
File(XX)–File(XX): xDecoder.cab
These are the files in the \IPSM\AutoInstall folder.
They persist through cold boots and install during
POWER STATUS Sample Data This entry specifies the …
ACLineStatus AC online AC power status.
BatteryFlag High Battery charge status.
BatteryLifePercent 100 % Percentage of full battery charge remaining.
BackupBatteryFlag High Backup battery charge status.
100 % Percentage of full backup battery charge remaining.
STORE INFO Sample Data This entry specifies the …
StoreSize 23711744 Size in bytes of the object store.
FreeSize 16615424 Amount of free space in bytes in the object store.
SYSTEM VERSION Sample Data This entry specifies the …
MajorVersion 5
MinorVersion 2
BuildNumber 1944
PlatformId 3
CSDVersion Latest Service Pack installed on the system.
Sample Data This entry specifies the …
MemoryLoad 24 Number between 0 and 100 that gives a general idea
of current memory utilization.
0 = No memory use
100 = Full memory use
TotalPhysical 100204544 Total number of bytes of physical memory.
TotalPageFile 0 Number of bytes of physical memory available.
AvailPageFile 0 Total number of bytes that can be stored in the paging
TotalVirtual 33554432 Total number of bytes that can be described in the
user mode portion of the virtual address space of the
calling process.
AvailVirtual 30212096 Number of bytes of unreserved and uncommitted
memory in the user mode portion of the virtual
address space of the calling process.
Sample SysInfo File
Field Sample Data This entry specifies the …