Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide Rev A
8 - 1
Registry Power Tools
The registry is the configuration database in all 32-bit versions of Windows that contains settings for the
hardware and software, consisting of the SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files. Many settings previously
stored in the WIN.ini and SYSTEM.ini files in 16-bit Windows (Windows 3.x) are in the registry.
The RegEdit Power Tool enables you to edit the registry through an easy-to-use application window. You
can also import and export specific registry keys.
Editing the Registry
1. On the Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-2), tap the RegEdit icon once . RegEdit opens
to a split-pane window with a collapsible menu in top half.
This is the top level of the registry; it cannot be edited, copied, pasted, or renamed.
2. Click the + sign to expand the menu options.
3. RegEdit offers the following registry categories:
4. Expand the appropriate menu by clicking on the + sign.