2 - 18 Rev A
Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide
Creating Registry Documents
1. In EZConfig Editor, click File > New > Registry Document.
The new document contains the three top-level sections in a registry. These sections are locked and
cannot be changed. You can add subsections to each section and then add keys to those
2. Click File > Save As.
3. Choose the name and location and click Save.
You cannot save the document as a .reg file; you must save it as an EXM file.
4. To add sections, select one of the registry levels, right-click, and select Append Child Section.
Enter the section information, and click OK.
For more information about adding sections, see Working with Sections on page 2-7.
5. To add keys to the new section, select the section, and right-click in the key value area.
For details, see Adding Registry Keys on page 2-19.
6. Continue adding sections and keys.
7. Save the file.