Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide Rev A
8 - 7
The RegBackup.exm file is located in the \IPSM folder and determines the content of the
_RegBackup.reg file.
The RegBackup.exm file does NOT contain registry settings! Only REG files contain registry settings.
_TEMPLATE_ Section The _TEMPLATE_ section is a template of the basic registry sections. This section is not
used when creating the _RegBackup.reg file. Use these subsections as a basis for
modifications and additions to the file.
Backup Section When you backup the registry (see Backing Up the Registry on page 8-6), the include/
exclude settings in this section indicate what content to backup.
This default section should never be removed as it contains default excludes specified by
Honeywell. It can, however be added to. Do NOT change the Mode (page 8-8)!
SyChip & Philips Sections
When you backup radio settings (see Backup Radio Settings on page 9-12), the include/
exclude settings in this section indicate what content to backup.
Modifying the RegBackup.exm file allows you to include or exclude registry key sections and values
during an export. Multiple subsections can be created below. All should be copied from the Template
section which, itself, should not be modified.
To specify keys and values in the RegBackup.exm file, re-create the registry keys as sections and
subsections in the tree structure just as they appear in the registry. The same rules that apply to copying
directories apply here in that if you re-create a key from the registry, all the key’s values and subkey’s
values will be copied unless there are values in the top-level key.
Only the key or value name is needed in the EXM file and not the associated value data. The EXM file is
a structure used to define the backup file and not the actual registry data.
These registry values will be
included in the
_RegBackup.reg file.