9 - 10 Rev A
Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide
WiFi Status
The WiFi Status Power Tool displays information from the 802.11 adapter installed in the terminal and
enables you to configure certain operating parameters.
Tap Start > Power Tools > Network Utilities > WiFiStatus .
Setup Tab
The Setup tab enables you to change specific parameters of the 802.11 adapter.
Field Description
Adapter Name of the radio module installed on the terminal.
Update inv This is the update interval used to poll the 802.11 adapter for status information.
SSID Displays the SSID value presently configured in the 802.11 adapter.
Power mode Choose between the following power modes:
CAM Continuous access mode (CAM); the device is always on.
Max PSP* Maximum power saving; provides the greatest power savings for the 802.11 NIC radio.
Fast PSP* Fast power saving mode; provides the best combination of network performance and power
*PSP=Power Save Polling
BSS Mode Choose between the following modes:
Automatic=Switches between Ad hoc and infrastructure modes as required.
IBSS (Ad hoc)=Specifies independent basic service set (IBSS).
Infrastructure (ESS)=Specifies infrastructure.
Enable &
Tap these buttons to enable and disable the 802.11 radio