
5 - 8 Rev A
Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide
Decode Section
The Decode section specifies decoder settings when using the decoder with ScanWedge.
ScanWedge Entry Description Default
Available Values
Enable Enables and disables the decoder for
1 0=Disabled; decoder is not
1=Enabled; decoder sends bar
code data as keystrokes to
the active window.
Trigger Sets the key used by ScanWedge to
initiate a scan/decode. The key is
registered as a system hotkey and
cannot be registered as a hot key by
any other applications.
42 42=OnScan or Scan key
ContScan Enables and disables continuous
0 0=Disabled; trigger key must be
released between scans.
1=Enabled; data is
continuously decoded and
sent to the application while
the trigger key is depressed.
PowerSave Enables and disables power saving
1 1=Enabled; the decoder
automatically initializes and
un-initializes as needed. A
slight delay occurs when the
trigger is activated.
0=Disabled; the decoder
initializes when the utility
starts and un-initializes
when the utility terminates.
ScanTimeout Specifies the decode time out in 1/
1000th seconds. If a barcode is not
decoded within the specified timeout
an audio and visual notification
indicates that an error occurred.
5000 X=Time in 1/1000th of a
ScanMode Specifies the decode mode. 1 1=Full Omni/Normal
2=ALD (Aggressive Linear
Decode) mode
4=Quick Omni
LinearRange Specifies the linear search range to
be used while in ALD mode.
3 X=Range from 1 to 6.
1 indicates a tight vertical
range near the aimer.
6 indicates a vertical range
of the entire height of the