Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide Rev A
9 - 5
Reading the Output Tab
After you enter the IP information on the Input tab and click Execute, the Output tab appears and begins
displaying the ping results.
You can click the Stop button at any time to stop the ping. Any errors encountered display on the screen.
When the Ping process is complete or if you stop the ping at any point,
***Ping Stopped *** displays.
About Tab
The About tab displays description and version information about Ping.
Timestamp route Enter the number of timestamps to record for each hop; 1–4
The timestamp is the packet’s arrival time at each hop.
Don’t fragment Check this box if you don’t want the packet to fragment during routing.
DNS address required Check this if you want the domain name server to be part of the route path.
Execute Click Execute to send the ping. The Output tab displays the response.
Using the Input Tab
Note: You do not need to complete all the fields on the Ping window to successfully execute, just the Destination IP
Field Description