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Table 28. Data Share Points.
User Address NvName Field Name
Engineering Units: English
(Metric) or States plus Range
Digital State or
Value of State
E-Vision (M, P, S)
Direct Access
Manual Config.
Failure Detect
E-Vision Legend: (M) Monitor, (P) Parameter, (S) Schematic
DestOaEnth nviOdEnthS7 mA
4 to 20
SI_INVALID X X X nviOdEnth allows one outdoor enthalpy sensor at a node to be shared by many
other nodes. When nviOdEnth is not SI_INVALID then any local sensor is
ignored by the local control algorithm and OdEnth is used instead. If the value is
outside the allowed range (4 to 20 mA), then the node uses the value of the
nearest range limit.
SrcOaEnth nvoOdEnthS7 mA
4 to 20
SI_INVALID M X X nvoOdEnth allows the local outdoor enthalpy sensor to be shared with other
nodes and is typically bound to OdEnth on other nodes. If the local sensor is
configured by Select, nviOdEnth is periodically sent on the network. If the local
sensor is not configured or currently showing an error, the value is SI_INVALID.
SrcMonSwCt nvoMonSw value 0 to 100 0 X MonSw value allows the monitor switch to be shared with another node. MonSw
is typically bound to an SBC to indicate a user defined alarm condition. The
output values have the following meanings: If the state is SW_OFF and the
value is 0, then the monitor switch is open. If the state is SW_ON and the value
is 100 percent, then the monitor switch is closed. If the state is SW_NUL and
the value is 0, then the monitor switch is not configured by Select.
SrcMonSw nvoMonSw state SW_OFF
SW_NUL M X For MonSw.state, refer to MonSw.value.
nviIaqOvr value 0 to 100 0 IaqOvr allows an indoor air quality sensor to be shared by many other nodes.
The states are follows: If the state is SW_OFF and the value is dont care, then
the indoor air quality is acceptable. If the state is SW_ON and the value is 0,
then the indoor air quality is acceptable. If the node receives this combination of
state and value, then state is set to SW_OFF. If the state is SW_ON and the
value is not zero, then the indoor air quality is not acceptable and additional
outdoor air is needed to bring it back to acceptable. If the state is SW_NUL and
the value is dont care, then the indoor air quality is acceptable. If the state is
other, then the network variable is not bound, the communications path from the
sending node has failed, or the sending node has failed. The indoor air quality is
DestIaqOvrd nviIaqOvr state SW_OFF
SW_NUL M X X X X For IaqOvr.state, refer to IaqOvr.value.
SrcIaqOvrCt nvoIaqOvr value 0 to 100 0 X X IaqOvr allows an indoor air quality sensor to be shared with other nodes and is
typically bound to IaqOvr on other nodes. If Data2.siSpaceCo2 is not
SI_INVALID, and exceeds Aux1SetPt.CO2IaqLimit, then poor air quality is
detected. In addition, if a local digital input is configured for IAQ_OVERRIDE_IN
and IO.IaqOverRide is 1 (TRUE) then poor air quality is also detected. The state
has the following meanings: If the state is SW_OFF and the value is 0, then the
indoor air quality is acceptable. If the state is SW_ON and the value is 100
percent, then the indoor air quality is not acceptable and additional outdoor air is
needed to bring it back to an acceptable state. If the state is SW_NUL and the
value is 0, then the economizer for this node has not been configured or there is
no sensor (via IO.SpaceDo2 or IO.IaqOverRide) configured or the only
configured sensor (via IO.SpaceCo2) has failed.
SrcIaqOvr nvoIaqOvr state SW_OFF
SW_NUL M X X For IaqOvr.State, refer to IaqOvr.value.