Starting the ILE Source Debugger
STRDBG Example
To start a debug session for the sample debug program DEBUGEX and a called
OPM program RPGPGM, type:
The Display Module Source display appears as shown in Figure 75. DEBUGEX
consists of two modules, an RPG module DBGEX and a C module cproc. See
“Sample Source for Debug Examples” on page 211 for the source for DBGEX,
cproc, and RPGPGM.
If the entry module has a root source, COPY, or listing view, then the display will
show the source of the entry module of the first program. In this case, the program
was created using DBGVIEW(*ALL) and so the source for the main module,
DBGEX, is shown.
Display Module Source
Program: DEBUGEX Library: MYLIB Module: DBGEX
1 *===============================================================
2 * DEBUGEX - Program designed to illustrate use of ILE source
3 * debugger with ILE RPG source. Provides a
4 * sample of different data types and data structures.
5 *
6 * Can also be used to produce sample formatted dumps.
7 *===============================================================
9 *---------------------------------------------------------------
10 * The DEBUG keyword enables the formatted dump facility.
11 *---------------------------------------------------------------
14 *---------------------------------------------------------------
15 * Define standalone fields for different ILE RPG data types.
Debug . . . _________________________________________________________________
F3=End program F6=Add/Clear breakpoint F10=Step F11=Display variable
F12=Resume F17=Watch variable F18=Work with watch F24=More keys
Figure 75. Display Module Source display for program DEBUGEX
Note: Up to 20 service programs can initially be added to the debug session by
using the Service Program (SRVPGM) parameter on the STRDBG
command. You can also add ILE service programs to a debug session by
using option 1 (Add) on the Work with Module List display (F14) or by
letting the source debugger add it as part of a STEP INTO debug
Setting Debug Options
After you start a debug session, you can set or change the following debug options:
Whether database files can be updated while debugging your program. (This
option corresponds to the UPDPROD parameter of the STRDBG command.)
Whether text searches using FIND are case-sensitive.
Whether OPM programs are to be debugged using the ILE source debugger.
(This option corresponds to the OPMSRC parameter.)
Chapter 11. Debugging Programs 171