MODULE parameter 82
CRTBNDRPG command 408
CRTRPGMOD command 74
multiple devices attached to application program 310
multiple-device file
long names
named activation group 110
National Language Support (NLS) of source
debugger 211
nested exceptions 223
*NEW 110
no debug data 166
NOMAIN module
coding considerations 46
creating 75
nonkeyed processing 304
NOOPT keyword
and handling exceptions 226
maintaining current values while debugging 164
program optimization level 87
normal program/procedure end 152
Behavioral difference between ILE RPG and
RPG/400 373
null value support
displaying null-capable fields 206
observability 88
obtaining a compiler listing 63
obtaining conversion reports 389
OFL 237
*OMIT 139, 140
omitted parameters 139
*OMIT 140
one-step process of program creation 57
online information
for create commands 408
for ILE source debugger 165
open data path
sharing 277
operation codes 341
allowed with DISK file 306
allowed with PRINTER file 316
allowed with sequential file 326
allowed with SPECIAL file 328
allowing 'E' extender 227
allowing error indicators 227
general discussion 6
operational descriptors
definition 138
example 94
OPM compatibility, maintaining 61, 111
OPM default activation group 23, 31
running in 111
definition 87
effect on fields when debugging 164
exception handling considerations 226
level of
changing an object's 87
checking 88
OPTIMIZE parameter
CRTBNDRPG command 58, 413
CRTRPGMOD command 74
OPTION parameter
coordinating listing and debug view options 168
coordinating with debug view options 69
CRTBNDRPG command 58, 410
CRTRPGMOD command 74
using 63, 69
OPTIONS keyword
*OMIT 140
order of evaluation
on prototyped call 146
program-described WORKSTN file 339
output buffer positions, in compiler listing 432
output file 341
OUTPUT parameter
CRTBNDRPG command 58, 413
CRTRPGMOD command 74
using 63
output record
blocking 287
output specifications
example 8
general description 3
program-described WORKSTN file 339
with external descriptions 269
output spooling 279
indicators 317
page 316
overflow indicators
conditioning output 317
examples 319, 320
fetch-overflow logic 320
general description 317
presence or absence of 317
relation to program cycle 320
setting of 320
with PRINTER file 316
456 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide