For additional information about topics related to ILE
RPG programming on the AS/400 system, refer to the
following IBM AS/400 publications:
ADTS/400: Application Development Manager
User's Guide
, SC09-2133-01, describes creating
and managing projects defined for the Application
Development Manager feature as well as using the
program to develop applications.
ADTS/400: Programming Development Manager
SC09-1771-00, provides information about using the
Programming Development Manager (PDM) to work
with lists of libraries, objects, members, and user-
defined options to easily do such operations as
copy, delete, and rename. Contains activities and
reference material to help the user learn PDM. The
most commonly used operations and function keys
are explained in detail using examples.
ADTS for AS/400: Source Entry Utility
SC09-2605-00, provides information about using the
Application Development ToolSet for AS/400 Source
Entry Utility (SEU) to create and edit source
members. The manual explains how to start and
end an SEU session and how to use the many fea-
tures of this full-screen text editor. The manual con-
tains examples to help both new and experienced
users accomplish various editing tasks, from the
simplest line commands to using pre-defined
prompts for high-level languages and data formats.
Application Display Programming
, SC41-5715-00,
provides information about:
– Using DDS to create and maintain displays for
– Creating and working with display files on the
– Creating online help information;
– Using UIM to define panels and dialogs for an
– Using panel groups, records, or documents
Backup and Recovery
, SC41-5304-03, provides
information about setting up and managing the
– Journaling, access path protection, and commit-
ment control
– User auxiliary storage pools (ASPs)
– Disk protection (device parity, mirrored, and
Provides performance information about backup
media and save/restore operations. Also includes
advanced backup and recovery topics, such as
using save-while-active support, saving and
restoring to a different release, and programming
tips and techniques.
CL Programming
, SC41-5721-02, provides a wide-
ranging discussion of AS/400 programming topics
including a general discussion on objects and
libraries, CL programming, controlling flow and com-
municating between programs, working with objects
in CL programs, and creating CL programs. Other
topics include predefined and impromptu messages
and message handling, defining and creating user-
defined commands and menus, application testing,
including debug mode, breakpoints, traces, and
display functions.
CL Reference (Abridged)
, SC41-5722-03, provides
a description of the AS/400 control language (CL)
and its OS/400 commands. (Non-OS/400 com-
mands are described in the respective licensed
program publications.) Also provides an overview of
the CL commands for the AS/400 system, and it
describes the syntax rules needed to code them.
Communications Management
, SC41-5406-02, pro-
vides information about work management in a
communications environment, communications
status, tracing and diagnosing communications
problems, error handling and recovery, perform-
ance, and specific line speed and subsystem
storage information.
Data Management
, SC41-5710-00, provides infor-
mation about using files in application programs.
Includes information on the following topics:
– Fundamental structure and concepts of data
management support on the system
– Overrides and file redirection (temporarily
making changes to files when an application
program is run)
– Copying files by using system commands to
copy data from one place to another
– Tailoring a system using double-byte data
DB2 UDB for AS/400 Database Programming
SC41-5701-02, provides a detailed discussion of the
AS/400 database organization, including information
on how to create, describe, and update database
files on the system. Also describes how to define
files to the system using AS/400 data description
specifications (DDS) keywords.
DB2 UDB for AS/400 SQL Programming
SC41-5611-02, provides information about how to
use DB2 UDB for AS/400 Query Manager and SQL
Development kit licensed program. Shows how to
access data in a database library and prepare, run,
and test an application program that contains
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999 439