Setting and Removing Watch Conditions
Displaying Active Watches
To display a system-wide list of active watches and show which job set them, type:
on a debug command line. This command brings up the Display Debug Watches
display shown below.
Display Debug Watches
------------Job--------------- NUM LENGTH ADDRESS
MYJOBNAME1 MYUSERPRF1 123456 1 5 080090506F027004
JOB4567890 PRF4567890 222222 1 8 09849403845A2C32
JOB4567890 PRF4567890 222222 2 2 098494038456AA00
JOB PROFILE 333333 14 4 040689578309AF09
SOMEJOB SOMEPROFIL 444444 3 4 005498348048242A
Press Enter to continue
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
Figure 90. Example of a Display Debug Watch Display
Note: This display does not show watch conditions set by the system.
Removing Watch Conditions
Watches can be removed in the following ways:
The CLEAR command used with the WATCH keyword selectively ends one or
all watches. For example, to clear the watch identified by watch-number, type:
CLEAR WATCH watch-number
The watch number can be obtained from the Work With Watches display.
To clear all watches for your session, type:
on a debug command line.
Note: While the CLEAR PGM command removes all breakpoints in the
program that contains the module being displayed, it has no effect on
watches. You must explicitly use the WATCH keyword with the CLEAR
command to remove watch conditions.
The CL End Debug (ENDDBG) command removes watches set in the local job
or in a service job.
Note: ENDDBG will be called automatically in abnormal situations to ensure
that all affected watches are removed.
The initial program load (IPL) of your AS/400 system removes all watch condi-
tions system-wide.
192 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide