OPTION Details:
┌ ┐─*XREF─── ┌ ┐─*GEN─── ┌ ┐─*NOSECLVL─ ┌ ┐─*SHOWCPY─── ┌ ┐─*EXPDDS─── ┌ ┐─*EXT─── ┌ ┐─*NOSHOWSKP─
├─ ──┼ ┼───────── ──┼ ┼──────── ──┼ ┼─────────── ──┼ ┼──────────── ──┼ ┼─────────── ──┼ ┼──────── ──┼ ┼──────────── ──────────────────
└ ┘─*NOXREF─ └ ┘─*NOGEN─ └ ┘─*SECLVL─── └ ┘─*NOSHOWCPY─ └ ┘─*NOEXPDDS─ └ ┘─*NOEXT─ └ ┘─*SHOWSKP───
| ┌ ┐─*NOSRCSTMT─ ┌ ┐─*DEBUGIO─── ┌ ┐─*NOEVENTF─
─ ──┼ ┼──────────── ──┼ ┼──────────── ──┼ ┼─────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
| └ ┘─*SRCSTMT─── └ ┘─*NODEBUGIO─ └ ┘─*EVENTF───
Description of the CRTBNDRPG Command
The parameters, keywords, and variables of the CRTBNDRPG command are listed
below. The same information is available online. Enter the command name on a
command line, press PF4 (Prompt) and then press PF1 (Help) for any parameter
you want information on.
Specifies the program name and library name for the program object (*PGM)
you are creating. The program name and library name must conform to AS/400
naming conventions. If no library is specified, the created program is stored in
the current library.
The name for the compiled program is taken from the name specified in the
DFTNAME keyword of the control specification. If the program name is not
specified on the control specification and the source member is from a
database file, the member name, specified by the SRCMBR parameter, is
used as the program name. If the source is not from a database file then
the program name defaults to RPGPGM.
Enter the name of the program object.
The created program object is stored in the current library. If you have not
specified a current library, QGPL is used.
Enter the name of the library where the created program object is to be
Specifies the name of the source file that contains the ILE RPG source
member to be compiled and the library where the source file is located. The
recommended source physical file length is 112 characters: 12 for the
sequence number and date, 80 for the code and 20 for the comments. This is
the maximum amount of source that is shown on the compiler listing.
The default source file QRPGLESRC contains the ILE RPG source member
to be compiled.
Enter the name of the source file that contains the ILE RPG source
member to be compiled.
408 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide