Using the OS/400 System
* Subprocedure -- calculates overtime pay. *
P CalcPay B
D CalcPay PI 8P 2
D Rate 5P 2 VALUE
D Hours 10U 0 VALUE
D Bonus 5P 2 VALUE
D Overtime S 5P 2 INZ(0)
* Determine any overtime hours to be paid.
C IF Hours > 40
C EVAL Overtime = (Hours - 40) * Rate * 1.5
C EVAL Hours = 40
* Calculate the total pay and return it to the caller
C RETURN Rate * Hours + Bonus + Overtime
P CalcPay E
Figure 4 (Part 3 of 3). A Sample Payroll Calculation Program
Using the OS/400 System
The operating system that controls all of your interactions with the AS/400 system
is called the Operating System/400 (OS/400) system. From your workstation, the
OS/400 system allows you to:
Sign on and sign off
Interact with the displays
Use the online help information
Enter control commands and procedures
Respond to messages
Manage files
Run utilities and programs.
| If you have internet access, you can obtain a complete list of publications that
| discuss the OS/400 system at the following URL:
| You can also order the
AS/400 V4 System Library Poster
, G325-6334-02.
Interacting with the System
You can manipulate the OS/400 system using Command Language (CL). You
interact with the system by entering or selecting CL commands. The AS/400
system often displays a series of CL commands or command parameters appro-
priate to the situation on the screen. You then select the desired command or
Commonly Used Control Language Commands
The following table lists some of the most commonly used CL commands, their
function, and the reasons you might want to use them.
12 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide