Using a Compiler Listing
Source lines excluded by conditional compilation directives (appear in
source section of listing)
Key field information (separate section)
*XREF List of Cross references (separate section)
*EXT List of External references (separate section)
*SECLVL Second-level message text (appear in message summary section)
Note: Except for *SECLVL and *SHOWSKP, all of the above values reflect the
default settings on the OPTION parameter for both create commands. You
do not need to change the OPTION parameter unless you do not want
certain listing sections or unless you want second level text to be included.
| The information contained in a compiler listing is also dependent on whether
| *SRCSTMT or *NOSRCSTMT is specified for the OPTION parameter. For details
| on how this information changes, see "*NOSRCSTMT Source Heading" on
| page 430 and "*SRCSTMT Source Heading" on page 430.
If any compile option keywords are specified on the control specification, the com-
piler options in effect will appear in the source section of the listing.
Customizing a Compiler Listing
You can customize a compiler listing in any or all of the following ways:
Customize the page heading
Customize the spacing
Indent structured operations
Customizing a Page Heading
The page heading information includes the product information line and the title
supplied by a /TITLE directive. The product information line includes the ILE RPG
compiler and library copyright notice, the member, and library of the source
program, the date and time when the module was created, and the page number of
the listing.
You can specify heading information on the compiler listing through the use of the
/TITLE compiler directive. This directive allows you to specify text which will appear
at the top of each page of the compiler listing. This information will precede the
usual page heading information. If the directive is the first record in the source
member, then this information will also appear in the prologue section.
You can also change the date separator, date format, and time separator used in
the page heading and other information boxes throughout the listing. Normally, the
compiler determines these by looking at the job attributes. To change any of these,
use the Change Job (CHGJOB) command. After entering this command you can:
Select one of the following date separators: *SYSVAL, *BLANK, slash (/),
hyphen (-) period (.) or comma (,)
Select one of the following date formats: *SYSVAL, *YMD, *MDY, *DMY, or
64 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide