Chapter 11. Domino on i
This chapter includes performance information for Lotus Domino on the IBM i operating system. Some
of the information previously included in this section has been removed. Earlier versions of the document
can be accessed at http://www.ibm.com/systems/i/solutions/perfmgmt/resource.html
April 2008 Update:
y Workload Estimator 2008.2
January 2008 Updates:
y V6R1
y Domino 8 white papers
y Workload Estimator 2008.1
V6R1 may provide improvements in processing capability for Domino environments. V6R1 also requires
object conversion for all program objects, including the Domino program objects. This conversion occurs
when starting a Domino server for the first time after installing V6R1, or after installing Domino on a
V6R1 system, and may take a significant amount of time to complete. For more information on Domino
support for V6R1, see:
POWER6 hardware
Hardware models based on POWER6 processors may provide improvements in processing capability for
Domino environments. For systems that use POWER5 and earlier processors, MCU (Mail and Calendar
Users) ratings, rather than CPW ratings, are used to compare Domino performance across hardware
models. With the introduction of the POWER6 models, it is less necessary to provide separate MCU and
CPW ratings. Appendix C provides projected MCU ratings for POWER6 models that were available as of
July 2007, but will not provide ratings for newer hardware models. The IBM Systems Workload
Estimator should be used for sizing Domino mail and application workloads. When sizing Domino on i,
the latest maintenance release of the selected version is assumed.
Workload Estimator 2008.2
Domino sizing support has been changed as follows:
y Support for IBM Power System models has been added.
y Domino 8 disk drive projections have been updated.
Workload Estimator 2008.1
Domino sizing support has been changed as follows:
y Sametime support has been updated.
y Quickr for Domino support has been added.
The remainder of this chapter provides performance information for Domino environments.
Additional Resources
Additional performance information for Domino on i can be found in the following articles, redbooks and
y IBM Lotus Notes V8 workloads: Taking performance to a new level, September 2007
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 11 - Domino 157