15.3 Workloads
The following workloads were designed to help evaluate the performance of single, concurrent and
parallel save and restore operations for selected devices. Familiarization with these workloads can help in
understanding differences in the save and restore rates.
Database File related Workloads:
The following workloads are designed to show some possible customer environments using database
User Mix User Mix 3GB, User Mix 12GB - The User Mix data is contained in a single library and
made up of a combination of source files, database files, programs, command objects,
data areas, menus, query definitions, etc. User Mix 12GB contains 49,500 objects and
User Mix 3GB contains 12,300 objects.
Source File Source File 1GB - 96 source files with approximately 30,000 members.
Large Database File Large File 4GB, 32GB, 64GB, 320GB - The Large Database File workload is a
single database file. The members in the 4GB and 32GB files are 4GB in size. The
Members in the 64GB and 320GB files are 64GB in size.
Integrated File System related Workloads:
Analysis of customer systems indicates about 1.5 to 1 compaction on the tape drives with integrated file
system data. This is partly due to the fact that the IBM i operating system programs that store data in the
integrated files system, do some disk management functions where they keep the IFS space cleaned up
and compressed. And the fact that the objects tend to be smaller by nature, or are mail documents, HTML
files or graphic objects that don’t compact. The following workloads (1 Directory Many Objects, Many
Directories Many Objects, Domino, Network Storage Space) show some possible customer integrated file
system environments.
1 Directory Many objects This integrated file system workload consists of 111,111 stream files in a
single directory where the stream files have 32K of allocated space, 24K of which is data.
Approximately 4 GB total sampling size.
Many Directories Many objects This integrated file system workload is 6 levels deep, 10
directories wide where each directory level contains 10 directories resulting in a total of
111,111 Directories and 111,111 stream files, where the stream files have 32K of
allocated space, 24K of which is data. Approximately 5 GB total sampling size.
Domino This integrated file system workload consists of a single directory containing 90 mail
files. Each mail file is 152 MB in size. The mail files contain mail documents with
attachments where approximately 75% of the 152 MB is attachments. Approximately 13
GB total sampling size.
Network Storage Space This integrated file system workload consists of a Linux storage space of
approximately 6 GB total sampling size.
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 15. Save/Restore Performance 245