Chapter 16 IPL Performance
Performance information for Initial Program Load (IPL) is included in this section.
The primary focus of this section is to present observations from IPL tests on different System i models.
The data for both normal and abnormal IPLs are broken down into phases, making it easier to see the
detail. For information on previous models see a prior Performance Capabilities Reference.
NOTE: The information that follows is based on performance measurements and analysis done in the
Server Group Division laboratory. Actual performance may vary significantly from these tests.
16.1 IPL Performance Considerations
The wide variety of hardware configurations and software environments available make it difficult to
characterize a 'typical' IPL environment and predict the results. The following section provides a simple
description of the IPL tests.
16.2 IPL Test Description
Normal IPL
y Power On IPL (cold start after managed system was powered down completely)
y For a normal IPL, benchmark time is measured from power-on until the System i server console
sign-on screen is available.
Abnormal IPL
y System abnormally terminated causing recovery processing to be done during the IPL. The
amount of processing is determined by the system activities at the time the system terminates.
y For an abnormal IPL, the benchmark consists of bringing up a database workload and letting it
run until the desired number of jobs are running on the system. Once the workload is stabilized,
the system is forced to terminate, forcing a mainstore dump (MSD). The dump is then copied to
DASD via the Auto Copy function. The Auto Copy function is enabled through System Service
Tools (SST). The System i partition is set to normal so that once the dump is copied, the system
completes the remaining IPL with no user intervention. Benchmark time is measured from the
time the system is forced to terminate, to when the System i server console sign on screen is
y Settings: on the CHGIPLA command the parameter, HDWDIAG, set to (*MIN). All physical
files are explicitly journaled. Also logical files are journaled using SMAPP (System Managed
Access Path Protection) by using the EDTRCYAP command set to *MIN.
NOTE: Due to some longer starting tasks ( like TCP/IP ), all workstations may not be up and ready at the
same time as the console workstation displays a sign-on screen.
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 16 IPL Performance 273