users or relatively low transaction rates, response times may be significantly higher for a small LPAR
(such as 0.2 processor) or partial processor model as compared to a full processor allocation of the same
technology. The IBM Systems Workload Estimator will not recommend the 500 CPW or 600 CPW
models for Domino processing.
Be sure to read the section “Accelerator for System i5” in Chapter 6, Web Server and WebSphere
Performance. That section describes the new “Accelerator” offerings which provide improved
performance characteristics for the i520 models. In particular, note Figure 6.6 to observe potential
response time differences for a 500 CPW or 600 CPW model as compared with a higher rated or
Accelerated CPW model for a CPU intensive workload.
11.14 System i NotesBench Audits and Benchmarks
NotesBench audit reports can be accessed at www.notesbench.org . The results can also be viewed
on-line at www.ideasinternational.com/benchmark/bench.html#NotesBench
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 11 - Domino 173