y IBM Lotus Domino V8 server with the IBM Lotus Notes V8 client: Performance, October 2007
y Lotus Domino 7 Server Performance, Part 2, November 2005
y Lotus Domino 7 Server Performance, Part 3, November 2005
y Best Practices for Large Lotus Notes Mail Files, October 2005
y Lotus Domino 7 Server Performance, Part 1, September 2005
y Redbook and Red Paper Resources found at ( http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/ and
y Domino 6 for iSeries Best Practices Guide (SG24-6937
), March 2004
y Lotus Domino 6 for iSeries Multi-Versioning Support on iSeries (SG24-6940), March 2004
y Sizing Large-Scale Domino Workloads on iSeries (redpaper), December 2003
y Domino 6 for iSeries Implementation (SG24-6592)
, February 2003
y Upgrading to Domino 6: The Performance Benefits (redpaper), January 2003
y Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning (SG24-5162), April 2002
y iNotes Web Access on the IBM eServer iSeries Server (SG24-6553), February 2002
11.1 Domino Workload Descriptions
The Mail and Calendaring Users workload and the Domino Web Access mail scenarios discussed in this
chapter were driven by an automated environment which ran a script similar to the mail workloads from
Lotus NotesBench. Lotus NotesBench is a collection of benchmarks, or workloads, for evaluating the
performance of Domino servers. The results from the Mail and Calendaring Users and Domino Web
Access workloads are not official NotesBench tests. The numbers discussed for these workloads may not
be used officially or publicly to compare to NotesBench results published for other Domino server
Official NotesBench audit results for System i are discussed in section 11.14 System i NotesBench Audits
and Benchmarks. Audited NotesBench results can be found at http://www.notesbench.org
y Mail and Calendaring Users (MCU)
Each user completes the following actions an average of every 15 minutes except where noted:
Open mail database which contains documents that are 10Kbytes in size.
Open the current view
Open 5 documents in the mail file
Categorize 2 of the documents
Send 1 new mail memos/replies 10Kbytes in size to 3 recipients. (every 90 minutes)
Mark several documents for deletion
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 11 - Domino 158