<1%72ms51.5%20,000Domino 6
<1%>5sec96.2%20,000Domino 5.0.11
<1%65ms11.0%3,800Domino 6
<1%119ms19.4%3,800Domino 5.0.11
<1%64ms24.0%2,000Domino 6
<1%96ms41.5%2,000Domino 5.0.11
Average Disk
Average Response
Average CPU
Number of Domino
Web Access users
Domino Version
The 3000 user comparison above was done on an iSeries model i270-2253 which has a 2-way 450MHz
processor. This system was configured with 8 Gigabytes (GB) of memory and 12 18GB disk drives
configured with RAID5. Notice the 30% improvement in CPU utilization with Domino 6, along with a
substantial improvement in response time.
The 8000 user comparison was done on a model i810-2469 which has a 2-way 750MHz processor. The
system had 24 8.5GB disk drives configured with RAID5. In this test we notice a slightly greater than
30% improvement in CPU utilization as well as a significant reduction in response time with Domino 6.
For this comparison we intentionally created a slightly constrained main storage (memory) environment
with 8GB of memory available for the 8000 users. We found that we needed to add 13% more memory,
an additional 1GB in this case, when running with Domino 6 in order to achieve the same paging rates,
faulting rates, and average disk utilization as the Domino 5.0.11 test. In Domino 6 new memory caching
techniques are being used for the Notes client to improve response time and may require additional
Both comparisons shown in the table above were made using single Domino partitions. Similar
improvements can be expected for environments using multiple Domino partitions.
Domino Web Access client improvements with Domino 6
Using the Domino Web Access workload, we compared performance using Domino 5.0.11 and Domino
6. The table below summarizes our results.
26.1%46ms46.7%8,000Domino 6*
25.2% 67ms69.7%8,000Domino 5.0.11
5.2%18ms27.6%3,000Domino 6
7.1%26ms39.4%3,000Domino 5.0.11
Average Disk
Average Response
Average CPU
Number of Mail and
Calendaring Users
Domino Version
* Additional memory was added for this test
Notice that Domino 6 provides at least a 40% CPU improvement in each of the Domino Web Access
comparisons shown above, along with significant response time reductions. The comparisons shown
above were made on systems with abundant main storage and disk resources so that CPU was the only
constraining factor. As a result, the average disk utilization during all of these tests was less than one
percent. The purpose of the tests was to compare iNotes Web Access performance using Domino 5.0.11
and Domino 6.
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 11 - Domino 161