Trade 6 Benchmark (IBM Trade Performance Benchmark Sample for WebSphere Application Server)
Trade 6 is the fourth generation of the WebSphere end-to-end benchmark and performance sample
application. The Trade benchmark is designed and developed to cover the significantly expanding
programming model and performance technologies associated with WebSphere Application Server. This
application provides a real-world workload, enabling performance research and verification test of the
2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE
) 1.4 implementation in WebSphere Application Server,
including key performance components and features.
Overall, the Trade application is primarily used for performance research on a wide range of software
components and platforms. This latest revision of Trade builds off of Trade 3, by moving from the J2EE
1.3 programming model to the J2EE 1.4 model that is supported by WebSphere Application Server V6.0.
Trade 6 adds DistributedMap based data caching in addition to the command bean caching that is
used in Trade 3. Otherwise, the implementation and workflow of the Trade application remains
Trade 6 also supports the recent DB2® V8.2 and Oracle® 10g databases. The new design of Trade 6
enables performance research on J2EE 1.4 including the new Enterprise JavaBeansTM (EJB
) 2.1
component architecture, message-driven beans, transactions (1-phase, 2-phase commit) and Web services
(SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RPC, enterprise Web services). Trade 6 also drives key WebSphere Application
Server performance components such as dynamic caching, WebSphere Edge Server, and EJB caching.
NOTE: Trade 6 is an updated version of Trade 3 which takes advantage of the new JMS messaging
support available with WebSphere 6.0. The application itself is essentially the same as Trade 3 so
direct comparisons can be made between Trade 6 and Trade 3. However, it is important to note
that direct comparisons between Trade2 and Trade3 are NOT valid. As a result of the redesign and
additional components that were added to Trade 3, Trade 3 is more complex and is a heavier
application than the previous Trade 2 versions.
Figure 6. 1 Topology of the Trade Application
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 6 - Web Server and WebSphere 96