Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide xiii
About this Manual
Thank you for purchasing and using the Intel¤ Storage System SSR212PP.
This manual is written for system technicians who are responsible for installing,
troubleshooting, upgrading, and repairing this storage system. This document provides a
brief overview of the features of the product, a list of accessories or other components you
may need, troubleshooting information, and instructions on how to add and replace
components on the Storage System SSR212PP . For the latest version of this manual, see
For information about which accessories, memory, processors, and third-party hardware
have been tested and can be used with your storage system, and for ordering information
for Intel
products, see
Additional Information and Software
If you need more information about this product or information about the accessories that
can be used with this storage system, use the following resources. These files are available
at http://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/server/SSR212PP. Unless otherwise
indicated in the following table, once on this Web page, type the document or software
name in the search field at the left side of the screen and select the option to search
For this information or software Use this Document or Software
For in-depth technical information
about this product
Intel® Storage System SSR212PP Technical Product
If you just received this product
and need to install it
Intel® Storage System SSR212PP Quick Start User's
Guide in the product box
For virtual system tours and
interactive repair information
A link to the SMaRT Tool is available under "Other
Resources" at the right side of the screen at
Accessories and spares Intel® Storage System SSR212PP Spares Installation
Hardware (peripheral boards,
adapter cards) and operating
systems that have been tested
with this product
Tested Hardware Operating Systems List (THOL)