Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide 71
Installing PowerPath iSCI for
Windows 2003 Server
Installing PowerPath iSCSI for Windows 2003 Server
If the server that you will connect to the storage system is running Windows 2003 Server,
you must install PowerPath¤iSCSI on the server.
PowerPath iSCSI manages the I/O paths between the server and storage system and is
required for Microsoft MPIO-based failover.
Before You Start
To complete this procedure, you need to
❑ Locate the PowerPath iSCSI CD that shipped with the storage system.
❑ Locate the card with the PowerPath license key that shipped with the storage system.
For information on integrating PowerPath iSCSI into an existing MSCS cluster,
refer to the PowerPath for Windows Installation and Administrator s Guide on the
SSR212PP support website.
STEP 1. Insert the PowerPathor PowerPath iSCSI installation CD in the server s CD drive.
STEP 2. If autoplay is enabled on your server, start the installation as follows:
a. When the
Getting Started page appears, click the appropriate link in the Installation
section for the server s operating system.
b. Select
Run this program from its current location (or similar message depending on
your browser) and click
You can install the software from the Installation section by clicking the appropriate
link for your operating system.
STEP 3. If autoplay is not enabled on the server, start the installation as follows:
a. On the Windows taskbar, select
b. In the
Run window, enter the name of the appropriate installation program below, and
For 32-bit Windows Server 2003: d:\2003\EMCPP.W2003_32. x.y.z.GA.exe
For 64-bit Windows Server 2003: d:\2003\EMCPP.W2003.64.x.y.z.GA.exe
where d is the CD drive letter and x.y.z is the revision of PowerPath on the CD.