154 Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide
Revision 1.0
STEP 7. In Step 2 on the screen, enter a CHAP username. This name must match whatever is
entered as a username for the server.
You can manually enter a username, or, if logins are restricted to specific initiators
STEP 7), you can choose to use the initiator name (IQN) as the CHAP user.
STEP 8. In Step 3 on the screen, enter and confirm a CHAP secret.
You will also enter this secret for the server initiators later.
You can specify the secret in ASCII or hexadecimal characters. ASCII secrets must consist
of at least 12 and no more than 16 characters. Hexadecimal secrets must consist of at least
12 and no more than 16 pairs of data (24 to 32 characters). If you specify the CHAP secret
using hexadecimal characters, you must select
CHAP Secret Specified In Hex.
STEP 9. In Step 4 on the screen, either click Apply to set the advanced initiator CHAP credentials
or click
Cancel to return to the Initiator CHAP Configuration - Advanced screen.
STEP 10. Click View all initiator CHAP credentials and confirm that the new CHAP entry exists.