
Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide 11
can also be the server. For supported hosts and browsers, refer to Tested Hardware
and OS List (THOL) on the SSR212PP support website.
A Linux or Windows host that is or will be a server with Fibre Channel connections to
the storage system. This server must have all required updates, such as hot fixes or
patches, installed. For supported hosts and required updates, refer to Tested Hardware
and OS List (THOL) on the SSR212PP support website.
One or more supported QLogic¤ or Emulex¤ Fibre Channel host bus adapters
(HBAs), which may already be installed in the server. These adapters must have the
latest supported BIOS and driver. For information on supported HBAs, BIOS, and
drivers, refer to Tested Hardware and OS List (THOL) on the SSR212PP support
Never mix Fibre Channel HBAs from different vendors in the same server.
An optical cable for each storage-processor (SP) Fibre Channel port you will use on
the storage system. (Each storage processor has two ports.) These cables may already
be connected for a configuration with an existing storage system or server.
A method for writing data to a virtual disk on the storage system to test the path from
a new HBA to the storage system.
The Installation Procedure
STEP 1. Install HBAs in the server. See Procedure 6, "Installing HBAs in the Server," on page 61.
STEP 2. Install PowerPath on the server. See Procedure 7, "Installing PowerPath on the Server," on
page 63.
STEP 3. Install the Navisphere Server Utility. See Procedure 9, "Installing the Navisphere Server
Utility," on page 75.
STEP 4. If you have an SSR212PP2f system, install the UPS:
You must install the UPS that shipped with your storage system. You cannot use
any other type of UPS.
a. Unpack the UPS and save the packaging. Verify that the cables and mounting kit were
b. Install the UPS in a 19-inch NEMA-standard cabinet/rack, as described in the
documentation provided with the UPS.