Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide 169
Restoring a Storage
Processor Boot Image
This procedure explains how to restore a storage processor s boot image (SP boot image).
When a storage processor (SP) does not start properly and its fault light blinks four times a
second, the cause may be that the SP s boot image has been damaged and is unusable. If
so, a qualified service provider will guide you through the process that this procedure
Before restoring the boot image, try to correct a startup problem by turning
power to the storage system off, and then on again.
Do not attempt the restoration procedure without the assistance of your
authorized service provider.
Boot partition A reserved space on one disk, mirrored on another disk, that holds the
storage processor (SP) operating system. Each SP loads its operating
system from one of its boot partitions when powered up or reset.
Image repository
A reserved space that holds images you can use to restore an SP s boot
Primary boot disk
The lower numbered disk in the mirrored boot pair for an SP. For SP A, it
is disk 0; for SP B, disk 1.
SP boot light The amber status lamp visible from the back of an SP. The speed at which
it blinks indicates the SP startup operation, as follows:
If the status lamp is on and not blinking then the storage system may have
a voltage fault or SP fault.
Blink Behavior Meaning
Every 4 seconds The SP is running powerup diagnostics.
Every second The SP is running software diagnostics.
Four times a second The SP is booting (starting up).
Off The SP is running normally.