Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide 171
FIGURE 62. Connecting a Server or Laptop COM Port to an SP Service Port
STEP 3. Start a HyperTerminal session.
A HyperTerminal session lets you communicate with a device in this case an SP
connected over a COM port to a Windows server or laptop station.
If you do not have a Windows station available, you can use terminal emulator
software for Linux systems. The remainder of this guide describes the steps you
would encounter using HyperTerminal on a Windows server or laptop; the
procedure for other systems is similar.
a. To start a HyperTerminal session, follow this path:
b. When the software asks for a name, create a meaningful name (for example,
SSR212PP2f), and then click OK. The software displays a
Connect to screen.
c. In the Connect using box, select
COM1 or COM2 from the pull-down list. The
software displays a settings screen.
d. Select the following settings:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
e. Click OK. The HyperTerminal session is now running, as you can see from the timer
displayed at the lower left of the screen. You use this session to communicate with the
STEP 4. Reset the problem SP, and watch for the alphabetic powerup test display in the
HyperTerminal window.
COM 1 or COM 2
UPS (SP A only)
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