Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide 163
Running Navisphere
STEP 1. Open an Internet browser on the management host.
STEP 2. Enter the IP address of an SP in the storage system. This address is the one you assigned
when you initialized the storage system.
If Navisphere Express does not open, make sure that the storage system is
not rebooting. The SP Boot/Fault light on the back of each SP should be off.
If the storage system is not rebooting and Navisphere Express still does not
open, go to the "Troubleshoot" section on the SSR212PP support website or
the SSR212PP-Series Documentation CD.
STEP 3. Log in to Navisphere Express by entering the username and password that you specified
when you initialized the storage system.
To view Navisphere Express in Brazilian Portuguese, English, French,
German, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Latin American Spanish, or simplified
Chinese, follow the instructions in Adding a Navisphere Language Pack.
You can create this document on the SSR212PP2f website by selecting
Upgrade and then Add Navisphere Language Pack as the upgrade type. Once
you install a language pack, Navisphere Express automatically opens in that