AutoTrac Controller Troubleshooting
CF86321,000035D -19-23MAY11-1/1
AutoTrac Controller
Symptom Problem Solution
AutoTrac Controller won’t activate.
AutoTrac will not resume.
Stop Code encountered See list of stop codes to nd issue
AutoTrac Controller does not
appear on INFO or SETUP screens
System not recognizing AutoTrac
Controller on CAN bus line
Ensure AutoTrac Controller is
connected to GreenStar Harness and
receiving power
Check for blown fuses in AutoTrac
Controller wiring harness
Direction can not be determined
Old TCM Software Update TCM Software to newest
software (Version 1.08 or greater)
No differential Correction Establish differential correction
Establish signal
AutoTrac Controller did not establish
direction correctly
Drive forward at a speed greater than
1.6 km/h (1 mph) and turn steering
wheel greater than 45 degrees in one
Tractor acquires guidance line but
tracks 25 to 518 cm (10 to 204 in.)
to right or left of line.
AutoTrac Controller has encountered
a bad wheel angle sensor calibration
and has an incorrect wheel angle
sensor bias.
Recalibrate wheel angle sensor and
reacquire line to ensure problem is
Direction Change Toggle
If the direction of travel is determined to be incorrect, Select
the View Tab (A) then select Direction Change Toggle
Button (B) to change the displayed direction of travel.
A—View Tab
B—Direction Change Toggle
PC13566 —UN—04MAY11
Home Screen