AutoTrac Controller—Raven
BA31779,0000223 -19-04AUG11-1/21
BA31779,0000223 -19-04AUG11-2/21
Continued onnext page BA31779,0000223 -19-04AUG11-3/21
AutoTrac Controller— Raven Calibration
IMPORTANT: John Deere 2600 Display will not operate
with AutoTrac Controller—Raven™
NOTE: Calibration procedure must be completed with a
passing status prior to using AutoTrac.
From the Main Menu select AutoTrac Controller.
A—AutoTrac Controller
PC13382 —UN—20JUL11
AutoTrac Button
AutoTrac Main Screen will appear.
In the AutoTrac main screen select the CAL button (A).
The Calibration Assistant main screen will appear.
A—Calibration Button B—Information Button
PC13383 —UN—20APR11
AutoTrac Main Screen
Select the System Information button (B). This will display
information to inform the operator that AutoTrac is ready
for calibration. Some information is software version and
operating voltages. If there are no voltages make sure to
check all connections.
After all information is veried select the AutoTrac home
button (A) in the upper right of the screen. This will
navigate back to the AutoTrac main screen.
A—Home Button
PC13384 —UN—19MAY11
System Information