GS3 2630 Display
CF86321,000039D -19-01JUN11-1/1
Advanced AutoTrac Settings
The accept button (K) shall save and apply the current
settings and return the user to the previous page. The
Restore Default Settings button (K) will set all settings
to the factory default value. See each setting for its
default value. The ‘?’ button (H) will display a pop-up
with help information. Refer to Advanced settings —
Optimizing AutoTrac Controller Performance section
of this operator manual for more information.
NOTE: When using the number pad, increase, and
decrease buttons, the change occurs immediately
without pressing the enter button.
When no seat switch is present, the AutoTrac
Controller will look for operator activity every seven
minutes. Operator will get a time out alarm 15
seconds before AutoTrac will deactivate. Pressing
resume will reset activity monitor timer
IMPORTANT: Use AutoTrac Controller only on Ap-
proved Vehicles – see www.StellarSupport.com
for list of approved vehicles
It is important that the operator stay seated
while vehicle is moving.
A—Line Sensitivity-Tracking
B—Line Sensitivity-Heading
C—Heading Lead
D—Steering Response Rate
E—Decrease Button
G—Increase Button
H—Help Button
I— Page Back Button
J— Page Forward Button
K—Accept Button
L—Aquire Sensitivity
M—Curve Sensitivity
N—Restore Defaults
O—Monitor Performance
PC13568 —UN—04MAY11
Advanced Settings Page 1
PC13569 —UN—04MAY11
Advanced Settings Page 2