
AutoTrac Controller—Raven
BA31779,0000223 -19-04AUG11-20/21
BA31779,0000223 -19-04AUG11-21/21
CF86321,0000337 -19-23MAY11-1/1
During the valve calibration if the Stop button is pressed
or the steering wheel is moved the user is given the option
to continue (A) the calibration or cancel (B).
A—Continue B—Cancel
PC13964 —UN—03AUG11
When autocalibration is complete the main screen will
appear. If the calibration completed successfully then
system state (A) will read “READY”. If the calibration
failed system state (A) will read “FAULT”. If calibration
failed select CAL (B) to start the calibration process over.
If the calibration process was aborted or not completed
the system state (A) will read “Calibration Started”.
If the calibration is successful then the Tool Box (C) will
appear on the screen. Tool Box gives access to vehicle
health test.
NOTE: Vehicle health test should only be completed
by a dealer.
Selecting system information (D) will display information
about the AutoTrac system.
A—System State Ready
C—Tool Box
PC13403 —UN—20APR11
System State
Failed Calibrations
If calibration failure persists, check the Message Center
and/or contact your John Deere dealer.
A failed calibration may be the result of:
Incorrect inputs provided by the operator
Not enough area to complete calibration without
stopping during the calibration step
Grabbing the steering wheel to avoid obstacles
Wheel angle sensor not responding
Valve not responding.
Machine hardware failure