GS3 2630 Advanced Settings
Continued onnext page CF86321,000027B -19-16MAY11-1/2
Tuning Recommendations
NOTE: AutoTrac Controller has been tuned to perform
very well in most eld conditions using the
variety of implements encountered by AutoTrac.
However, for those conditions outside of normal,
we have provided Advanced Settings to allow
the operator ne tune their systems for specic
eld conditions and implements.
Problem or Situation:
AutoTrac performance during line acquisitions, Curve Trac
or in-row S-ing that can’t be tuned out using the Steering
Sensitivity adjustment.
Difcult ground conditions (extremely soft or extremely
rough) require additional tuning beyond the capabilities of
the standard Steering Sensitivity value.
Read this information in it’s entirety BEFORE tuning
AutoTrac Advanced Settings.
This software version includes 6 different tunable
sensitivities that allow ner adjustment of the AutoTrac
system. The following are details for tuning this
1. Check & x other problems before you
tune—Perform necessary mechanical checks and
calibrations through associated tractor. It is important
to do this step rst otherwise you run the risk of
masking actual machine faults and wasting your time
tuning a system that cannot be tuned.
2. Characterize the current AutoTrac problem—There
are various types of issues this software may be able
to resolve. First, the specic type of problem needs to
be identied from the possible items below:
a. Excessive Wheel Motion—Overall AutoTrac
performance is acceptable, but the operator is
concerned about how quickly the wheels are
twitching back and forth.
b. Aggressive S-ing Motion—Continual back and
forth motion as observed by the operator looking
out over the front nose of the tractor. Although a lot
of motion is observed, the off-track error shown on
the display (distance away from AB line) is often
relatively small.
c. Lazy S-ing Motion—Performance of AutoTrac
seems very sluggish when trying to stay on the line
and slowly wanders from side to side.
d. Lazy Line Acquisition—AutoTrac appears
sluggish during line acquisition and the tractor
remains off to one side of the line for a long time
before getting lined up.
e. Aggressive Line Acquisition—AutoTrac
overshoots the line, and continues to
overcompensate during acquisition. Results in high
frequency, tight S-ing pattern during acquisitions.
f. Lazy Curve Track Performance—AutoTrac is
sluggish in Curve Track mode resulting in slow,
wandering S-ing about the desired line and often
tracks to the outside of the desired path.
g. Aggressive Curve Track Performance—AutoTrac
exhibits rapid and high frequency corrections in
Curve Track mode, resulting in a tight S-ing pattern
or tracking to the inside of the desired path.
3. Access the Advanced Settings page on GS2.
4. ATI Advanced Settings Parameters.
a. Line Sensitivity Heading: Determines how
aggressively AutoTrac responds to heading error.
Higher Settings: Result in more aggressive
response to vehicle heading error.
Lower settings: Result in less aggressive response
to vehicle heading error.
Range: 50 to 200.
b. Line Sensitivity Tracking (Lateral Gain):
Determines how aggressively AutoTrac responds
to off-track (lateral) error.
Higher settings: Result in more aggressive
response to vehicle off-track error.
Lower settings: Result in less aggressive response
to vehicle off-track error.
Range: 50 to 200.
c. Heading Lead: Determines the impact of yaw
rate (vehicle rate of turn) on tracking performance.
Heading lead acts as a look-ahead parameter and
can be used to minimize over steering. Large
adjustments may result in poor performance.
Higher settings: Result in more aggressive
response to yaw rate.
Lower settings: Result in less aggressive response
to yaw rate.
Range: 50 to 130.
d. Steering Response Rate: Adjusts the rate of
vehicle steering in order to maintain tracking
performance. Increasing steering responsiveness
generally results in better tracking performance.
Higher settings: Result in better tracking
performance but may also cause increased wheel
motion or jittery behavior.
Lower settings: Results in decreased wheel motion
but may also result in worse tracking performance.
Range: 50 to 200.
e. Curve Sensitivity: Determines how aggressively
AutoTrac responds to a curve in the track. This
setting affects performance in curve track guidance