GS2 Display 1800
BA31779,000024B -19-01AUG11-20/23
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CF86321,0000391 -19-01JUN11-1/1
Center Map – Centers the map on the vehicle.
PC10857LT —UN—14APR09
Center Map
Back to Run Page Softkeys
PC10857LI —UN—14APR09
Back Button
Swath Control ON/OFF Toggle
PC10857LU —UN—14APR09
Swath Control ON/OFF Toggle
GreenStar – Go to GreenStar Main Page
PC10857JN —UN—13APR09
GreenStar Main Page
Enabling AutoTrac
The following criteria must be met for AutoTrac to be
Vehicle has an AutoTrac capable steering controller
Valid AutoTrac Activation (26 digit Activation Code)
Setup Wizard is complete and a guidance track has
been created. See the GETTING STARTED section
earlier in this manual for Setup Wizard information
and see the sections on each Guidance Mode for
information on creating guidance tracks.
Correct StarFire signal level for AutoTrac Activation is
selected (SF1, SF2, or RTK) and a valid GPS signal
is acquired.
TCM turned on and TCM message is valid
PC13711 —UN—16MAY11
AutoTrac On/Off
ACI has no active faults pertaining to the steering
Hydraulic oil warmer than minimum temperature
Tractors - above 20°C (68°F)
Forward vehicle speed is less than 30 km/h (18.6 mph)
Reverse speed is less than 10 km/h (6 mph)
To Enable AutoTrac, select the Steer On/Off softkey
located on the Run Page. This softkey will disable
AutoTrac if selected again.