GS2 Display 1800
BA31779,000024C -19-01AUG11-1/5
Continued onnext page BA31779,000024C -19-01AUG11-2/5
AutoTrac Settings
NOTE: AutoTrac Settings only appear on the display
in machines that are AutoTrac capable.
Steering Sensitivity—Allows AutoTrac users to adjust
the vehicle’s steering sensitivity. To adjust steering
sensitivity select the input box and enter the desired
steering sensitivity value via numeric keypad and select
the enter button. The sensitivity can also be adjusted up
or down by selecting the Increase Steering Sensitivity and
Decrease Steering Sensitivity softkeys on the Run Page.
NOTE: Valid range for steer sensitivity is 50 - 200 with
200 being the most aggressive setting.
PC10857LB —UN—14APR09
Increase Steering Sensitivity
PC10857LC —UN—14APR09
Decrease Steering Sensitivity
Direction Toggle
To be able to select the Direction Toggle Button the left
region of the home page must be setup correctly. Setting
up the left hand region will also allow the user to perform
other operations.
1. Select the Layout Manager Button from the main menu
PC13727 —UN—16MAY11
Layout Manager Button