11: User Authentication
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 192
Number of the TCP port on the LDAP server to which the SLC talks. The default is
Base The name of the LDAP search base (e.g., dc=company, dc=com). May have up to
80 characters.
Bind Name The name for a non-anonymous bind to an LDAP server. This item has the same
format as LDAP Base. One example is
Bind Password /
Retype Password
Password for a non-anonymous bind. This entry is optional. Acceptable characters
are a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
The maximum length is 127 characters.
Bind with Login Select to bind with the login and password that a user is authenticating with. This
requires that the Bind Name contain the
$login token, which will be replaced with
the current login. For example, if the Bind Name is
uid=$login,ou=People,dc=lantronix,dc=com, and user roberts
logs into the SLC 8000 advanced console manager, LDAP will bind with
uid=roberts,ou=People,dc=lantronix,dc=com and the password
entered by roberts.
User Login Attribute The attribute used by the LDAP server for user logins. If nothing is specified for the
user filter, the SLC unit will use "uid". For AD LDAP servers, the attribute for user
logins is typically "sAMAccountName".
Group Filter
The objectclass used by the LDAP server for groups. If nothing is specified for the
group filter, the SLC 8000 advanced console manager will use "posixGroup". For
AD LDAP servers, the objectclass for groups is typically "Group".
Group Member
The attribute used by the LDAP server for group membership. This attribute may be
use to search for a name (ie, "msmith") or a Distinguished Name (ie,
"uid=msmith,ou=People,dc=lantronix,dc=com"). Select either Name or DN as
appropriate for the LDAP server. If nothing is specified for the group membership
attribute, the SLC unit will use "memberUID" for name and "uniqueMember" for DN.
For AD LDAP servers, the Group Membership Value is typically DN, with the Group
Membership Attribute of "member".
Group Member Value The attribute used by the LDAP server for group membership. This attribute may be
use to search for a name (ie, "msmith") or a Distinguished Name (ie,
"uid=msmith,ou=People,dc=lantronix,dc=com"). Select either Name or DN as
appropriate for the LDAP server. If nothing is specified for the group membership
attribute, the SLC 8000 advanced console manager will use "memberUID" for
name and "uniqueMember" for DN. For AD LDAP servers, the Group Membership
Value is typically DN, with the Group Membership Attribute of "member".
Use LDAP Schema Select the check box to obtain remote user attributes (group/permissions and port
access) from an Active Directory server's scheme via the user attribute 'Secure
LantronixPerms' (see details below). Disabled by default.
Active Directory
Select to enable. Active Directory is a directory service from Microsoft that is a part
of Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows. It is LDAP- and Kerberos-
compliant. Disabled by default.
Encrypt Messages Select Start TLS or SSL to encrypt messages between the SLC unit and the LDAP
server. If Start TLS is selected, the port will automatically be set to 389 and the
StartTLS extension will be used to initiate a secure connection; if SSL is selected,
the port will automatically be set to 636 and a SSL tunnel will be used for LDAP
communication. The port number can be changed to a non-standard LDAP port; if
the port number is set to anything other than 636, Start TLS will be used as the
encryption method. Disabled by default.