
7: Services
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 87
2. Access your device or device port through any of the methods below.
To directly access the web interface for a secure Lantronix device:
1. Make sure Web Telnet and Web SSH is enabled for the specific device or device port.
2. Click the IP address of a specific secure Lantronix device to open a new browser page with
the web interface for the selected secure Lantronix device.
3. Log in as usual.
Figure 7-5 IP Address Login Page
To directly access the CLI interface for a device:
1. Click the SSH or Telnet link in the SSH/Telnet to CLI column directly beside the port you
would like to access. A ssh or telnet popup window appears depending on what is clicked.
Figure 7-6 SSH and Telnet Opening File Popups
2. Click OK and login to the CLI interface which appears.