11: User Authentication
SLC™ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 198
Note: Older RADIUS servers may use 1645 as the default port. Check your RADIUS
server configuration.
3. In the User Rights section, select the user group to which RADIUS users will belong.
4. Select or clear the checkboxes for the following rights:
Dial-back Number The phone number the modem dials back on depends on this setting for the device
port. The user is either dialed back on a fixed number, or on a number that is
associated with the user’s login (specified here).
Data Ports The ports users are able to monitor and interact with using the connect direct
command. U1 and U2 denote the USB upper and lower ports on the front of the
SLC unit.
Listen Port
The ports users are able to monitor using the connect listen command.
Clear Port Buffers
The ports whose port buffer users may clear using the
set locallog clear
Group Select the group to which the RADIUS users will belong:
Default Users: This group has only the most basic rights. You can specify
additional rights for the individual user.
Power Users: This group has the same rights as Default Users plus Web
Access, Networking, Date/Time, Reboot & Shutdown, and Diagnostics &
Administrators: This group has all possible rights.
Full Administrative Right to add, update, and delete all editable fields.
Networking Right to enter Network settings.
Services Right to enable and disable system logging, SSH and Telnet logins, SNMP, and
Secure Lantronix
Right to view and manage Secure Lantronix units (e.g., SLP, Spider, or SLC units)
on the local subnet.
Date/Time Right to set the date and time.
Reboot & Shutdown Right to shut down and reboot the SLC unit.
Local Users Right to add or delete local users on the system.
Right to assign a remote user to a user group and assign a set of rights to the user.
SSH Keys Right to set SSH keys for authenticating users.
User Menus Right to create a custom user menu for the CLI for LDAP users.
Web Access Right to access Web-Manager.
Diagnostics &
Right to obtain diagnostic information and reports about the unit.
Firmware &
Right to upgrade the firmware on the unit and save or restore a configuration (all
settings). Selecting this option automatically selects Reboot & Shutdown.
Internal Modem Right to update internal modem settings.
Device Port
Right to control device ports.
Device Port
Right to enter device port settings.
USB Right to enter modem settings for USB devices and control USB storage devices.