13: Application Examples
SLC™ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 257
6. Use the escape sequence to escape from direct mode back to the command line interface.
Dial-in (Text Mode) to a Remote Device
This example shows a modem connected to an SLC device port, and a Sun server connected to
another SLC device port. You can configure the modem for text mode dial-in, so a remote user can
dial into the modem using a terminal emulation program and access the Sun server.
(HyperTerminal™, which comes with the Microsoft® Windows™ operating system, is an example
of a terminal emulation program.)
Figure 13-3 Dial-in (Text Mode) to a Remote Device
In this example, the sysadmin would:
1. Configure the device port that the modem is connected to for dial-in:
[SLC]> set deviceport port 1 modemmode text
Device Port settings successfully updated.
[SLC]> set deviceport port 1 initscript "AT&F&K3&C1&D2%C0A"
Device Port settings successfully updated.
[SLC]> set deviceport port 1 auth pap
Device Port settings successfully updated.
[SLC]> set deviceport port 1 localsecret "password"
Device Port settings successfully updated.
[SLC]> set deviceport port 1 modemstate dialin
Device Port settings successfully updated.
2. Configure the device port that is connected to the console port of the Sun UNIX server:
[SLC]> set deviceport port 2 baud 57600 flowcontrol none
Device Port settings successfully updated.
3. Dial into the SLC 8000 advanced console manager via the modem using a terminal emulation
program on a remote PC. A command line prompt displays.
4. Log into the SLC unit.
Welcome to the SLC
login: sysadmin
Welcome to the SLC Console Manager
Model Number: SLC 8048
For a list of commands, type 'help'.
Phone System
Remote User
Serial Cable
to Port 1
Sun UNIX Server
SLC 8000 Advanced Console Manager
Serial Cable to Port 2