
5: Web and Command Line Interfaces
SLC™ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 54
Note: The system administrator may have changed the password using one of the
Quick Setup methods in the previous chapter.
To log in any other user:
1. Enter your SLC user name and press Enter.
2. Enter your SLC password and press Enter.
Logging Out
To log out of the SLC command line interface, type logout and press Enter.
Command Syntax
Commands have the following format:
<action> <category> <parameter(s)>
<action> is set, show, connect, admin, diag, or logout.
<category> is a group of related parameters whose settings you want to configure or view.
Examples are ntp, deviceport, and network.
<parameter(s)> is one or more name-value pairs in one of the following formats:
Command Line Help
For general Help and to display the commands to which you have rights, type: help
For general command line Help, type: help command line
For more information about a specific command, type help followed by the command. For
example: help set network or help admin firmware
Type enough characters to identify the action, category, or parameter name uniquely. For
parameter values, type the entire value. For example, you can shorten:
set network port 1 state static ipaddr mask
se net po 1 st static ip ma
Use the Tab key to automatically complete action, category, or parameter names. Type a
partial name and press Tab either to complete the name if only one is possible, or to display
the possible names if more than one is possible. Following a space after the preceding name,
Tab displays all possible names.
<parameter name> <aa|bb>
User must specify one of the values (aa or bb) separated by a
vertical line ( | ). The values are in all lowercase and must be
entered exactly as shown. Bold indicates a default value.
<parameter name> <Value>
User must specify an appropriate value, for example, an IP address.
The parameter values are in mixed case. Square brackets [ ]
indicate optional parameters.