11: User Authentication
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 199
5. Click the Apply button.
Note: You must reboot the unit before your changes will take effect.
RADIUS Commands
These commands for the command line interface correspond to the web page entries described
To configure the SLC unit to use RADIUS to authenticate users who log in via the Web,
SSH, Telnet, or the console port:
set radius <one or more parameters>
breakseq <1-10 Chars>
clearports <Port List>
dataports <Port List>
escapeseq <1-10 Chars>
listenports <Port List>
state <enable|disable>
To identify the RADIUS server(s), the text secret, and the number of the TCP port on the
RADIUS server:
set radius server <1|2> host <IP Address or Hostname> secret <Secret>
[port <TCP Port>]
The default port is 1812.
To set the number of seconds after which the connection attempt times out:
set radius timeout <disable|1-30>
May be 1-30 seconds.
To set user group and permissions for RADIUS users:
set radius group <default|power|admin>
To set permissions for RADIUS users not already defined by the user rights group:
set radius permissions <Permission List>
<Permission List> is one or more of nt, sv, dt, lu, ra, sk, um, dp, do,
ub, rs, rc, dr, wb, sn, ad, md, sd
To remove a permission, type a minus sign before the two-letter abbreviation for a user
To set a default custom menu for RADIUS users:
set radius custommenu <Menu Name>
SD Card Right to enter settings for SD card.